Have you been experiencing problems with your fridge? Don’t waste your money on buying a new one! Getting your fridge repaired by one of our technicians is a great, cost-effective alternative to buying an expensive new fridge from a store. With years of experience in repairing and servicing all sorts of fridges and freezers, we can quickly diagnose and fix problems in your fridge or freezer.

There are several things that can go wrong with a fridge, leading to a repair service being needed. The most common problems we see include:

  • Leaking water from inside the fridge/freezer
  • Less effective refrigeration, leading to incorrect operating temperatures
  • The fridge/freezer not turning on when plugged in
  • Excessive levels of noise coming from the fridge/freezer.
  • Problems with the lights inside the fridge.


What brands of fridges do we service?

At Five Star Appliances, our technicians can repair and service a wide range of fridges/freezers from the leading manufacturers.


Service / Repair Warranty Work


Come see us.

Feel free to visit our office with any questions you have, or give us a call on (07) 856 7711


Book a call-out.

Avoid the hassle of transporting your appliance. Our skilled technicians can come to your location to inspect/repair your appliance

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